Configuring a Media Response Question

On this page, we will explore the different components of the Media Response question type, discussing their meanings and providing guidance on how to utilize them for maximum impact.

Content Panel #

For all question types, the Content Panel will remain the same.

Question Text #

The question text is the top-level piece of content for a Question item. It appears larger and usually in a different color. It is best to keep questions concise and to the point.

Content #

The content area is additional space to provide additional information that gives content to the question, additional insight, or links to additional supporting material etc.

Response Types Allowed Panel #

The Media Response type question enables participants to respond to the stimulus using different media tools. Controlling the types of media responses that participants can put limits in place on submission types for consistency.

Show option for Embed Response #

When enabled, the submission point will have the option for participants to embed their media response using an Embed Code.

Show option for Video Response #

When enabled, the submission point will allow the Participant to submit a video response.

Allow input via YouTube, Vimeo or Microsoft Stream #

If ‘Show option for Video Response’ is enabled, this option can be enabled to allow input from external Media platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo and Microsoft Stream.

Question Stimulus Panel #

Each question type enables you to incorporate a single stimulus to enhance the question. This addition can serve to provide examples, encourage deeper thinking, or simply create a more engaging question. You can include images, videos, or embedded content from external sources. However, it’s important to note that although you can populate information in each of the available areas, only one of them can be displayed to the participant at a given time.

For more information, please read Adding a Piece of Stimulus to a Question.

Properties Configuration Panel

The Properties panel gives you control over the availability of a question regardless of where it is being shown. The current options are:

Available to Participants #

When enabled, this question will be accessible to participants if it has been incorporated into a package. When disabled, participants will not be able to see that the question exists within any given package.

This feature allows authors to temporarily hide questions that are not currently needed, while still retaining the option to include them again at a later date.

Show Maintenance Notice #

When enabled, this question will show a maintenance notice to participants.

Example of the Show Maintenance Notice in a package
Example of the Show Maintenance Notice in a package

This feature enables authors to work on a question while restricting participants’ access to respond or view previously submitted responses. Using this option instead of the “Available to Participants” feature allows participants to see that a question will become accessible in the future.

Keep in mind that participants will not be notified when the question is taken out of maintenance mode. If participants must respond, appropriate communication should be provided to inform them about the question’s availability.

Supplementary Free Text Input #

Incorporating the Additional Free Text Input feature is available for both Multiple Choice, Multiple Select and Media Response question styles. This option proves beneficial when you want participants to explain their rationale for selecting specific choices within a question. There is no word limit imposed on participants’ responses, allowing them to freely express their thoughts and reasoning.

Additional Content Panel #

You have the option to offer Additional Content to participants within your questions. By adding content to this section, a button will be available for participants to access the extra information, which will appear in a popup panel overlaying the question. This feature can be used for sharing exemplary answers, offering tips and tricks, or presenting supplementary material for participants to consider during their response process.

Hide until after Submission #

When activated, participants will be informed that additional content is available, but they can only access it after submitting their initial response. If this feature is disabled, they will be able to access the supplementary information before responding to the question.

Title #

The button title that participants click to access additional information content is customizable. If no title is provided, the default text is “Additional Information.” To ensure clarity for participants using smaller screens, it’s recommended to keep the button text concise.

Content #

The content displayed in the popup panel when the participant opens it can be as long as required, allowing the participant to scroll through the material.

Keep in mind that if the question height is smaller, the available space for the content will be reduced. To ensure optimal presentation, especially for shorter questions without stimulus, it is recommended that you preview your question within a package.

Export Options Panel #

With Stackle, you have the option to allow participants to export their question responses in various formats, facilitating assignment submission or further editing. To activate this feature, please refer to the section on Configuring a Package.

Document Export Text #

To assist participants, you can assign a unique heading to each exported question. This is particularly useful when the exported document serves as a template for an assessment item. In this case, you can replace the original question with a custom title. For instance, if your question is:

“Can you recall a time when technology has significantly helped you overcome a challenge or achieve a personal goal?”

You might add Document Export Text such as:

“Technology that has significantly helped”

Keep in mind that participants will only encounter this terminology when viewing it in a document that has been exported.

Danger Zone Panel #

Only available to Lead Authors, Workspace Leaders, and Organisation Administrators.

When operating within a “Danger Zone,” exercise caution when committing to actions, as they may significantly impact the data in the selected area. Although it is possible to undo selections in this area, the process can be time-consuming and potentially expensive.

Clear All Responses #

This removes all responses that have been entered by participants for the current question in this cohort. They will no longer be able to see their current or historical responses.

Please Note: This action cannot be undone without contacting Stackle’s support center.

There are currently options in this area:

Duplicate #

Duplicating the current Question to get a new Question. Note: This will make an entirely new Question, responses of the current Question will not get carried over.

Delete (Danger Zone) #

Only available to Lead Authors, Workspace Leaders, and Organisation Administrators.

Deletes the currently selected Question and all responses entered by participants in this cohort.

For more information please read Deleting a Question.

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