Once you have created a Package, it’s important to configure it correctly before making it available to Participants.

View of the Package Editor
Packages #
Displays the list of Packages currently assigned to the Package Group you are viewing.

‘Create Package’ button: Allows you to create a new Package to add to the current Package Group.
Filter by Package Title: Allows you to filter the list by Package Title.
Use Case: Displays the primary Use Case for the Package in the list.
Title: Displays the Package’s Title.
Package Editor Menu #

Preview Embedded: Allows you to preview the Package as if it was embedded within a page of other HTML content (e.g. your course LMS).
Preview Standalone: Allows you to preview the Package in its own separate window.
Move: Allows you to move the Package to a new destination in the Organisation.
Copy: Allows you to copy the current Package to a new destination in the Organisation.
Delete Package: Allows you to delete the current Package.
Content #

Title: Displays the Title of the Package.
Introductory Message: Allows you to provide an Introductory Message that will be shown to Participants at the beginning of the Package.
Final Message: Allows you to provide a Final Message that will be shown to Participants at the end of the Package.
Properties #
In Properties, you will have the option to set the Package to be visible in the Learner Hub.

Presentation Settings #
Presentation Settings gives you the option to alter the way the Package is presented to Participants. The ‘Display Options’ alter the appearance of the Package, while the ‘Participant Options’ alters how Participants can interact with the Package.

Show Package Title: Toggles whether the Package Title is visible to Participants.
Show Question Menu: Toggles whether the Question Menu is visible to Participants.
Show Export Button: Toggles whether the Export Button is visible for Participants.
Show Pop Out Button: Toggles whether the button to open the Package in a seperate window is visible for Participants.
Allow Multiple Attempts: Toggles whether Participants are able to try multiple attempts of a Package.
History Viewable by Participants: Toggles whether a Participant can view their Package history.
Hide Previous Answers to Participant: Toggles whether previous answers are hidden from Participants.
Show Participant Analytics: Toggles whether Participants’ Analytics are shown.
One Per Page: Displays the Package questions in a ‘One per Page’ format.
One Pager: Displays the Package questions in a ‘One Pager’ format (all Questions in one continuous scrollable page).
Use Case #
Use Cases define a Packages primary use. By default, on creation the Package will inherit the Use Case of the Package Group. However, you can change the Use Case for this particular Package here (‘Override Use Case’).
Package Group Use Case: Displays the Use Case inherited from the Package Group.
Override Use Case: Allows you to select a Use Case to override the inherited Package Group’s Use Case.
Package Preview #

Embedded within LMS: Allows you to preview how the Package would appear embedded within a Learning Management System or similar.
Standalone in a Browser: Allows you to preview the Package in a standalone browser window.
The Preview mode should not be used to enter or submit responses. You can preview even if the Package is currently set to be unavailable. Questions that are currently set to ‘Maintenance Mode’ will appear as such in the Preview. Questions that are currently set to be
Embed Code #
Generate an Embed Code to embed the Package within the content of another system.
Standalone: Generates a URL for standalone access to the Package for Participants.
Generic Embed: Generates a generic Embed Code which can be used to embed the Package into content.
Availability #
Controls the available dates and times for Participants’ access to the Package.
Start Time: Sets the date and time the Package becomes available to Participants. If a date and time has been set, the Package will be unavailable before this.
Finish Time: Sets the date and time the Package becomes unavailable to Participants.
View Responses: Sets the date and time that responses become available to view for Participants.
Allow Response Export: Sets the date and time that responses become available to export for Participants (setting a date and time will override the “Show Export Button setting).
Packages Configuration #
Add Questions from the available Pools. Questions can also be reordered for Participants.
‘Add Question’ button: Allows you to add a Question to the current Package.
Question Reorder: Allows the Questions to be re-ordered (drag and drop by clicking on the 6-dot button).
Pool: Displays the Pool which the Question was added from.
Question: Displays the text of the Question.
‘Edit Question’ button: Allows you to edit and configure the Question.
‘Remove Question’ button: Removes the Question from the Package.
Danger Zone #
Danger Zone indicates actions that could have irreversible effects such as data loss. Therefore, it’s important to backup data before using actions listed in the Danger Zone.
Delete Package: Allows you to delete the Package you are currently viewing.