If you are an Organisation Administrator, you will have the ability to manage Members within the Organisation. You can do this by accessing the ‘Organisation Settings’ and navigating to the ‘Members’ tab.

View of Organisation Members
Step-By-Step Guide – Adding Organisation Members #
1. Click ‘Add Organisation Member’. #
Click the ‘Add Organisation Member’ button to begin adding a new member. This will bring up the ‘Add Organisation Member’ window.
2. Enter an Email Address. #
Enter the relevant Email Address for the new Member you wish to add.
3. Select Workspaces for the new Member. #
Select the relevant Workspaces for the new Member to be added to.
4. Click ‘Invite Member’. #
Click the ‘Invite Member’ button to finish adding the new Member to the Organisation.
Managing Organisation Members #
Search Functionality #

Search Criteria Selection Box: Allows you to set the Search Criteria to search by in the list of Organisation Members. You can choose to search by ‘Name’ and ‘Email’.
Search Field: Enter a search term to filter the current list of Organisation Members.
‘Clear Results’ button: Clears the applied search criteria.
Organisation Members List #

Name: Displays the name of the Organisation Member.
Email: Displays the Email Address of the Organisation Member.
Workspaces: Displays the total number of Workspaces the Organisation Member is currently assigned.
Role: Displays the assigned User Role of the Organisation Member (at the Organisation Level).
Active: Allows you to toggle whether the Organisation Members account is active or inactive.
‘Workspace Membership’ Button: Allows you to access the ‘Workspace Membership’ screen for the Organisation Member.
‘Stack Membership’ Button: Allows you to access the ‘Stack Membership’ screen for the Organisation Member.
‘Remove Organisation Member’ Button: Removes the Organisation Member’s account.
Assigning a User Role to a Member #
You can edit the current User Role for an Organisation Member by clicking on the current assigned role from the list for the Member. You can then select from the list of available roles to assign to the Member.