Switching between Cohorts

One or more Cohorts can be used in a Stack to further cater to different offerings for Participants. If a Stack has multiple Cohorts, they will all be listed in the ‘Cohorts’ panel in Cohort Management. Switch between Cohorts to enable different settings suitable for each offering.

Step-by-Step Guide #

1. In Cohort Management, you can switch between viewing different Cohorts in the list. #

In Cohort Management, you can switch between viewing different Cohorts in the list

2. From the ‘Cohorts’ panel, click on the Cohort from the list you wish to view. #

To change which Cohort you are viewing, click on that Cohort from the list

3. A tick will indicate which Cohort you are currently viewing. #

The Tick Icon will appear next to the Cohort you are currently viewing

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