Analytics Plus: Pathway Overview

Pathway Overview grants insight into some overall data related to the Pathway in the Stack. A row of totals is displayed along the top for Packages, Questions, and Participants. Visualisations and the ‘View More’ button jumps to the Pathway Visualisations screen, while Participants jumps to Pathway Participants screen. Use the ‘Download Report’ button to create an export of the ‘Packages’ list.

Use Case: Displays the Use Case of the Package contained in the Pathway.

Title: Displays the Title of the Package contained in the Pathway

Questions: Displays the total number of Questions contained in the Package in the Pathway.

Participants: Displays the total number of Participants that have completed content in the Package in the Pathway.

Responses: Displays the total number of Responses submitted to Questions in the Package in the Pathway.

Created: Displays the date the Package was created.

Last Edited: Displays the date the Package was last edited.

`Package Visualisations` button: Jumps into the Package Visualisations.

`Package Participants` button: Jumps into the Package Participants.

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