Analytics: Package Groups Participants

The Package Groups Participants screen displays all Participants in the Stack associated with the Package Groups. The ‘Participants’ list displays the entire list of Participants, and you can use the search functionality to narrow down this list. Use the ‘Download Report’ button to create an export of the ‘Participants’ list.

​View of Package Groups Participants
View of Package Groups Participants

Name: Displays the name of the Participant.

Email: Displays the email address of the Participant.

Responses: Displays the total number of Responses provided by the Participant.

Last Response: Displays the date the Participant gave the latest Response.

‘Participant Pools’ button: Use this button to jump to the Participant Pools screen.

‘Participant Packages’ button: Use this button to jump to the Participant Packages screen.

‘Participant Pathways’ button: Use this button to jump to the Participant Pathways screen.

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