When viewing an individual Package Group in the Package Group Overview, you can click on a Package from the Packages list to access an Overview for that Package. This Overview gives totals along the top for Questions, Participants and Responses in the Package, and the ‘View More’ button can be used to jump to the Package Group Package Visualisations screen. A ‘Questions’ list also lists all the Questions in the Package, and an export of this list can be created by clicking the ‘Download Report’ button.

View of Package Group Package Overview
Question Text: Displays the text of the Question.
Participants: Displays the total number of Participants that have provided a response to the Question.
Responses: Displays the total number of Responses provided to the Question.
Last Response: Displays the date the latest response was provided to the Question.
Created: Displays the date the Question was created.
Last Edited: Displays the date the Question was last edited.
‘Questions Visualisations’ button: Jumps to the ‘Questions Visualisations’ screen.
‘Questions Participants’ button: Jumps to the ‘Questions Participants’ screen.